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6 ways to use Feng Shui at home

Updated: Jan 28, 2023

The ancient Chinese practice of Feng shui has been applied in homes for thousands of years to create harmony and balance between us and our environment.

Our home design can have an impact on our emotional well-being, if our living space makes us feels good then that will reflect positively on other aspects of our lives too.

Feng shui which means “Wind and water” is based around the elements of earth, metal, wood, fire and water which is represented in forms of colours, shapes and materials throughout our homes. By using the right balance of Feng shui in our interior design it will promote supportive, positive homes that make us feel good.

As a Feng shui Interior designer, I use Feng shui principles in my designs to create homes that not only look good but feel good too.

Here’s 6 simple ways to use Feng shui at home.

1. Feng shui your entry

In Feng shui, your front door is “the mouth of qi” it's where energy enters your home so it's the first place to start when you want to encourage good Feng shui in your home.

Outside your home make sure your front entrance feels welcoming, the path is free of leaves, your front door is clean and well-lit with your door number or name clearly visible so that new opportunities can come your way. Inside your hallway it's important to keep it clean, tidy and clutter free so it feels inviting.

2.Make space

Feng shui is about creating space for positive opportunities to come your way, so in order to make space start with one room at a time and let go of anything that you no longer need.

It's a good opportunity to declutter your room, desk drawers and wardrobes.

3. Bring energy with Plants

In Feng shui, plants embody life energy. Plants connect us to nature; they bring freshness and new life to our homes. It's important to find plants that you can care for and are suitable for your space and lighting conditions.

4. Let it flow!

In Feng shui it's important that energy can flow, choose furniture arrangements that don't allow energy flow to become blocked. Avoid layouts such as a sofa having its back to the entrance. its more favourable to have furniture with rounded edges rather than sharp corners as it will allow energy to flow more freely. Keep you route through the room smooth and clear.

5. Be in Command

In Feng shui, where your furniture is located in relation to the door is also important. You should be able to see the door from where you are sitting or lying but without being directly in doorway or in line with it, so the best placement is diagonal from the door with a wall behind you.

This position puts you in command, you can always see who's entering.

6. Use Colour

Colour is a really important aspect of feng shui, it's one of the tools that I use in my Interior design service which I offer as an E-design or in person. Colour can be used to adjust the energy in a room depending on the direction of the room and how the room is to be used. Colour is one of the simplest elements to change in a room and has a big impact on how we feel, colour can be added by simply painting the walls, adding some vibrant artwork, adding some new cushions or adding a statement footstool or headboard in beautiful fabrics. You could also add some colour by painting your kitchen cabinets or an old piece of furniture. In feng shui colours are connected to the elements, so by using nature inspired hues it will have a calming effect on the space and how you feel in that space.

I hope you found these tips useful, not all of these principles are always possible but its more about making small positive changes at home which will have a positive impact on all aspects of your life.

Chantell x

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